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Upcoming MSBSD Event

Coming Up


I plan for the concert to start at 6:00 P.M. and it should be over by 6:30 at the latest.

For my concerts I have all students singing in the concert sitting with their grade at the front of the gym, similarly to how we had them for the Veterans day assembly.

For any teachers who are able to attend the concert, all I would ask for you to help with would be to sit by your grade to help monitor good audience behavior, which I’ll be reviewing with the classes that will be performing, and helping them to stand and find their way to the risers when it is their turn to perform.

If you are able to attend, and would like to see how the concert will go, I will be doing a practice run through with each grade that is performing on Tuesday December 5th during their specials.

If there is time during the class day too, I would appreciate it if the students might be able to go over their songs, the words and practice tracks I will try to have on the Tanaina Music Website

If there are any other questions or concerns, please let me know and I will do my best to address them!

Read More about Winter Concert K, 4th, Band
  • Stewardship
  • Accountability
  • Empathy
  • Quality
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Collaboration

Our Schedule

School Start & Close

  • Monday: Drop-off @ 10:05 & school start @ 10:15
  • Tuesday-Friday: Drop-off @ 9:05 & school start @ 9:15
  • All Days: School ends at 3:45 

Please try to call with any end of day transportation changes prior to 2:00


Our Vision & Mission

Mission & Beliefs


VISION: To empower students and families to be motivated and productive learners who will become responsible citizens of our community and the world.

MISSION: Mat-Su Borough School District prepares all students for success.


Our Goals & Beliefs

Mission & Beliefs

  • GOALS: Improve student success, achievement, and performance.
  • Develop excellent educators and leaders.
  • Use innovative practices to improve the education system.
  • Include families and community members in the education of our students.
  • Promote safe and healthy environments for all.
  • BELIEFS: We believe that the needs and best interests of students drive all decisions.
  • All students can and want to learn.
  • Educational choices and community participation are essential to student success.



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